Similarly for kth order:
- Law of motion: $$y_{n+k} + a_{k-1}y_{n+k-1} + ... a_0 y_n = 0 $$
Initial Conditions for the law of motions: (k initials). $y_0 = c_0, ... y_{k-1} = c_{k-1}$ to compute the initial $y_{n+k}$
a's are law of motions. c's are initial conditions.
2nd Order
We have the characteristic equation $r^2 + a_1 r + a_0 = 0$
Roots can be
- real and distict $\implies y_n = A(r_+)^n + B(r_-)^n$
- real and same $\implies y_n = A(r)^n + Bn(r)^n$
- complex $\implies y_n = A(r)^n cos(n\theta) + Bn(r)^n sin(n \theta)$
- Wehn differential eqn is solution?
- Is it unique?
- When depends continuously on parameters? - this is important from numerical perspective!- because $y_p$ might be very different from $y_{p+\epsilon}$
Lets compare with linear equation. $y = Ax$
- A invertible $\implies$ unique solution
- not invertible $\implies$ no / infinite solutions
This carries over to linear ODEs.
Picard's Theorem
Consider the first order ODE: $\frac{dy}{dt} = f(t, y(t))$, $y(t_0) = y_0$. Givem that f is Lipschitz continuous (i.e. Holder with exponent 1) in y and continuous in t. Then there exists a unique solution to the ODE in a neighbourhood of $t+0$.