To fully understand the linear model we will develop a geometric interpretation.
When <x, z> = 0, then $cos(\theta) = 0$ and $x$, $z$ are orthogonal.
Any vector $y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ can be written as $y = \hat{y} + y^{\perp}$, where $\hat{y} \in S, y^{\perp} \in S^{\perp}$
$\hat{y}$ is the projection of $y$ on $S$
Matrices P and M such that $Py = \hat{y}, My = y^{\perp}$
How to compute P and M?
$$P = X(X'X)^{-1}X'$$ $$M = I - P = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'$$
$PX = X $
$MX = 0$
P and M are symmetric and idempodent. P and M are orthogonal $PM = 0$
Lets connect this to regression now.
$y = \hat{y} + y^{\perp}$ $\implies \hat{y}' + y^{\perp} = 0$ $\implies E(\hat{y}y^{\perp}) = 0$
Connection to BLP
Recall that for BLP: $y = x' \beta + e$ and $E(xe) = 0$
BLP is equivalent to a projection of the dependent variable $y$ on the linear space spanned by the independent variables $x$! The error term is perpendicular to this.
For OLS:
$\beta = (X' X)^{-1}X'y$
$\hat{y} = Py$
$\hat{e} = My$